Ubuntu vs mac os x for programming
Ubuntu vs mac os x for programming

ubuntu vs mac os x for programming

At least the MBP doesn't have speakers right in the fan bay ><) Basically, be ready to get angry at design-over-functionality choices that Apple makes. I found my white polycarbonate/plastic macbook to be very uncomfortable, the speakers sucked, loud fan high CPU, and the plastic was cheap/got dirty.

  • You can choose a different style laptop.
  • (windows-preinstalled will have a slight added cost) You can spend as much as you want to spend on a laptop, and don't have to pay a proprietary-software-tax to get it.
  • You have many choices for different manufacturers and hardware.
  • There are as good or better alternatives to any apple software. On the other end, I've seen advanced users with fully custom systems that do everything they want, and usually for no financial cost(time cost though). As some have mentioned, "linux is good for computer savvy people/developers." This is a misconception, as I have seen both smart and dumb users from age 7 to age 82 using Ubuntu with no trouble. Keep reading 'different style laptop' and 'ui customization' below.

    ubuntu vs mac os x for programming ubuntu vs mac os x for programming

    You're OK conforming to forced upon and immutable design decisions.I found that the only proprietary app I used was Garage Band, and that was for fun/free time, and there are definitely MUCH better alternatives. You will actually get use out of proprietary software (iLife, etc).Otherwise, its the same as having a support plan from any other big name company. Problems that arise can be solved right at the local store, and are covered for free for a year through AppleCare. Being a Win->Linux->Mac->Linux user, I've established the following: It depends on whether or not you'll use the advantages of owning a mac.

    Ubuntu vs mac os x for programming